
Trait Lapack

pub trait Lapack: Scalar {
Show 25 methods // Required methods fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(Vec<Self::Complex>, Vec<Self::Complex>), Error>; fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<Vec<Self::Real>, Error>; fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<Vec<Self::Real>, Error>; fn householder(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error>; fn q(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], tau: &[Self]) -> Result<(), Error>; fn qr(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error>; fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Self>, Error>; fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Self>, Error>; fn least_squares( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Self>, Error>; fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Self>, Error>; fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>; fn inv(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], p: &Vec<i32>) -> Result<(), Error>; fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[Self], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn bk( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>; fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Self], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn inv_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Self], anorm: Self::Real, ) -> Result<Self::Real, Error>; fn opnorm(t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Self]) -> Self::Real; fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>; fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<Self>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, Error>; fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, ) -> Result<Self::Real, Error>; fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>;
Expand description

Trait for primitive types which implements LAPACK subroutines

Required Methods§

fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(Vec<Self::Complex>, Vec<Self::Complex>), Error>

Compute right eigenvalue and eigenvectors for a general matrix

fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<Vec<Self::Real>, Error>

Compute right eigenvalue and eigenvectors for a symmetric or Hermitian matrix

fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<Vec<Self::Real>, Error>

Compute right eigenvalue and eigenvectors for a symmetric or Hermitian matrix

fn householder(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error>

Execute Householder reflection as the first step of QR-decomposition

For C-continuous array, this will call LQ-decomposition of the transposed matrix $ A^T = LQ^T $

fn q(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], tau: &[Self]) -> Result<(), Error>

Reconstruct Q-matrix from Householder-reflectors

fn qr(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error>

Execute QR-decomposition at once

fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Self>, Error>

Compute singular-value decomposition (SVD)

fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Self>, Error>

Compute singular value decomposition (SVD) with divide-and-conquer algorithm

fn least_squares( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Self>, Error>

Compute a vector $x$ which minimizes Euclidian norm $| Ax - b|$ for a given matrix $A$ and a vector $b$.

fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Self>, Error>

Solve least square problems $\argmin_X | AX - B|$

fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>

Computes the LU decomposition of a general $m \times n$ matrix with partial pivoting with row interchanges.

For a given matrix $A$, LU decomposition is described as $A = PLU$ where:

  • $L$ is lower matrix
  • $U$ is upper matrix
  • $P$ is permutation matrix represented by Pivot

This is designed as two step computation according to LAPACK API:

  1. Factorize input matrix $A$ into $L$, $U$, and $P$.
  2. Solve linear equation $Ax = b$ by Lapack::solve or compute inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ by Lapack::inv using the output of LU decomposition.
  • $U$ and $L$ are stored in a after LU decomposition has succeeded.
  • $P$ is returned as Pivot
  • if the matrix is singular
    • On this case, return_code in [Error::LapackComputationalFailure] means return_code-th diagonal element of $U$ becomes zero.

fn inv(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Self], p: &Vec<i32>) -> Result<(), Error>

Compute inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ from the output of LU-decomposition

fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[Self], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Solve linear equations $Ax = b$ using the output of LU-decomposition

fn bk(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>

Factorize symmetric/Hermitian matrix using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method

For a given symmetric matrix $A$, this method factorizes $A = U^T D U$ or $A = L D L^T$ where

  • $U$ (or $L$) are is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) triangular matrices
  • $D$ is symmetric and block diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks.

This takes two-step approach based in LAPACK:

  1. Factorize given matrix $A$ into upper ($U$) or lower ($L$) form with diagonal matrix $D$
  2. Then solve linear equation $Ax = b$, and/or calculate inverse matrix $A^{-1}$

fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>

Compute inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ using the result of Lapack::bk

fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Self], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Solve symmetric/Hermitian linear equation $Ax = b$ using the result of Lapack::bk

fn cholesky(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self]) -> Result<(), Error>

Solve symmetric/Hermitian positive-definite linear equations using Cholesky decomposition

For a given positive definite matrix $A$, Cholesky decomposition is described as $A = U^T U$ or $A = LL^T$ where

  • $L$ is lower matrix
  • $U$ is upper matrix

This is designed as two step computation according to LAPACK API

  1. Factorize input matrix $A$ into $L$ or $U$
  2. Solve linear equation $Ax = b$ by Lapack::solve_cholesky or compute inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ by Lapack::inv_cholesky

fn inv_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Compute inverse matrix $A^{-1}$ using $U$ or $L$ calculated by Lapack::cholesky

fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Solve linear equation $Ax = b$ using $U$ or $L$ calculated by Lapack::cholesky

fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Self], anorm: Self::Real, ) -> Result<Self::Real, Error>

Estimates the the reciprocal of the condition number of the matrix in 1-norm.

anorm should be the 1-norm of the matrix a.

fn opnorm(t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Self]) -> Self::Real

Compute norm of matrices

For a $n \times m$ matrix $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & \cdots & a_{1m} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{n1} & \cdots & a_{nm} \end{pmatrix} $$ LAPACK can compute three types of norms:

  • Operator norm based on 1-norm for its domain linear space: $$ \Vert A \Vert_1 = \sup_{\Vert x \Vert_1 = 1} \Vert Ax \Vert_1 = \max_{1 \le j \le m } \sum_{i=1}^n |a_{ij}| $$ where $\Vert x\Vert_1 = \sum_{j=1}^m |x_j|$ is 1-norm for a vector $x$.

  • Operator norm based on $\infty$-norm for its domain linear space: $$ \Vert A \Vert_\infty = \sup_{\Vert x \Vert_\infty = 1} \Vert Ax \Vert_\infty = \max_{1 \le i \le n } \sum_{j=1}^m |a_{ij}| $$ where $\Vert x\Vert_\infty = \max_{j=1}^m |x_j|$ is $\infty$-norm for a vector $x$.

  • Frobenious norm $$ \Vert A \Vert_F = \sqrt{\mathrm{Tr} \left(AA^\dagger\right)} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m |a_{ij}|^2} $$

fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[Self], b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<Self>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, Error>

Computes the LU factorization of a tridiagonal m x n matrix a using partial pivoting with row interchanges.

fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, ) -> Result<Self::Real, Error>

fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Self>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [Self], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl Lapack for f32


fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(Vec<<f32 as Scalar>::Complex>, Vec<<f32 as Scalar>::Complex>), Error>


fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<Vec<<f32 as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32], b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<Vec<<f32 as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn householder(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<Vec<f32>, Error>


fn q(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32], tau: &[f32]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn qr(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<Vec<f32>, Error>


fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<f32>, Error>


fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<f32>, Error>


fn least_squares( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32], b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<f32>, Error>


fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<f32>, Error>


fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn inv(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f32], p: &Vec<i32>) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[f32], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn bk(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[f32], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn cholesky(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn inv_cholesky(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f32]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[f32], b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[f32], anorm: <f32 as Scalar>::Real, ) -> Result<<f32 as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn opnorm(t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[f32]) -> <f32 as Scalar>::Real


fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[f32], b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<f32>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f32>, Error>


fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f32>, ) -> Result<<f32 as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f32>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [f32], ) -> Result<(), Error>


impl Lapack for f64


fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(Vec<<f64 as Scalar>::Complex>, Vec<<f64 as Scalar>::Complex>), Error>


fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<Vec<<f64 as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64], b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<Vec<<f64 as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn householder(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error>


fn q(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64], tau: &[f64]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn qr(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error>


fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<f64>, Error>


fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<f64>, Error>


fn least_squares( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64], b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<f64>, Error>


fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<f64>, Error>


fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn inv(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [f64], p: &Vec<i32>) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[f64], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn bk(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[f64], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn cholesky(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn inv_cholesky(l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [f64]) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[f64], b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[f64], anorm: <f64 as Scalar>::Real, ) -> Result<<f64 as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn opnorm(t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[f64]) -> <f64 as Scalar>::Real


fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[f64], b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<f64>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f64>, Error>


fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f64>, ) -> Result<<f64 as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<f64>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [f64], ) -> Result<(), Error>


impl Lapack for Complex<f32>


fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(Vec<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Complex>, Vec<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Complex>), Error>


fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<Vec<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<Vec<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn householder( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<Vec<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn q( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], tau: &[Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn qr( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<Vec<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn least_squares( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn inv( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], p: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[Complex<f32>], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn bk( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Complex<f32>], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn inv_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Complex<f32>], b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Complex<f32>], anorm: <Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real, ) -> Result<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn opnorm( t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Complex<f32>], ) -> <Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real


fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[Complex<f32>], b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<Complex<f32>>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f32>>, Error>


fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f32>>, ) -> Result<<Complex<f32> as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f32>>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [Complex<f32>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


impl Lapack for Complex<f64>


fn eig( calc_v: bool, l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(Vec<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Complex>, Vec<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Complex>), Error>


fn eigh( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<Vec<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn eigh_generalized( calc_eigenvec: bool, layout: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<Vec<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real>, Error>


fn householder( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<Vec<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn q( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], tau: &[Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn qr( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<Vec<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn svd( l: MatrixLayout, calc_u: bool, calc_vt: bool, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn svddc( layout: MatrixLayout, jobz: JobSvd, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<SvdOwned<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn least_squares( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn least_squares_nrhs( a_layout: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], b_layout: MatrixLayout, b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<LeastSquaresOwned<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn lu(l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>]) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn inv( l: MatrixLayout, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], p: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve( l: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, a: &[Complex<f64>], p: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn bk( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<Vec<i32>, Error>


fn invh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solveh( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Complex<f64>], ipiv: &Vec<i32>, b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn inv_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn solve_cholesky( l: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, a: &[Complex<f64>], b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn rcond( l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Complex<f64>], anorm: <Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real, ) -> Result<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn opnorm( t: NormType, l: MatrixLayout, a: &[Complex<f64>], ) -> <Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real


fn solve_triangular( al: MatrixLayout, bl: MatrixLayout, uplo: UPLO, d: Diag, a: &[Complex<f64>], b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>


fn lu_tridiagonal( a: Tridiagonal<Complex<f64>>, ) -> Result<LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f64>>, Error>


fn rcond_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f64>>, ) -> Result<<Complex<f64> as Scalar>::Real, Error>


fn solve_tridiagonal( lu: &LUFactorizedTridiagonal<Complex<f64>>, bl: MatrixLayout, t: Transpose, b: &mut [Complex<f64>], ) -> Result<(), Error>
